Mixing and Mastering

Mixing and mastering has a great signal path. For great analogue to digital conversion we use the Lynx Aurora 16. Neve summing is achieved through the Neve 8816 summing mixer and we can utilise mix bus compression through GSSL and Oxford analogue hardware. We have a huge array of plugins from Waves, UAD, Fabfilter and many other companies. The latest protools HDX rig is also connected via a LAN line to a second Intel i7 custom built sample computer running Vienna ensemble pro, Vienna symphonic and Kontakt sample players. This makes for incredible music composition and sound design possibilities!

Kevin Cousineau

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07773 533694

Managing Director of OAPP

Passion and Experience

Kevin Cousineau has been working with audio productions since earning a physics degree with honours at Bristol University and then moving to Cambridge University for a post graduate degree. His client list includes famous companies such as Universal the BBC and Sky.